Sunday, February 2, 2014

Christmas, Baby Bumps and Football!

We had an amazing Christmas! Due to a funeral in Port Angeles that brought my parents all the way over here from Eastern Washington, we were able to spend this holiday at our home with my parents, my brothers, and my sister and Chloe. While they were here we tried to fit in as many of our Christmas traditions as we could! My Parents brought all of our family's stockings and all the presents from under their tree at home, we took our annual Christmas morning on the steps picture and had cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We Spent the rest of the day watching a movie and playing our new games that we got as gifts!

It was pretty different fitting our whole family into the tiny living room of our little loft style apartment, but we made it happen and we loved it!

My Parents left mid afternoon and headed out of town to my grandparents house, and Adam and I spent the rest of the day with Adam's family. We had fun celebrating with his parents and their close friends, the Andersons!

Since Christmas we haven't been up to much! Adam has been working a lot, which is helping us to be able to save money for when I stop working in a few months. I am growing bigger everyday and we are getting more and more excited to meet our little baby in just a short while! I am 25 1/2 weeks pregnant today, which is over six months! Where has the time gone? When we went in for our 20 week ultrasound , we were so excited to find out the sex of our baby, but unfortunately the positioning made it impossible to tell! We have been patiently waiting (not so much) to find out and our time is finally coming this week! We find out Wednesday whether we are having a boy or a girl and we are so excited to be able to finally buy some baby clothes! 

Lately I have been able to spend more time with my little niece, Chloe and we having been loving all our time spent together! Most days I have her when Adam is at work and the other day she said, "How about next time you work, and Adam watches me instead?" We can tell who her new favorite is.... Lucky for her she got to spend time with him a few days later!

We have been keeping up with football and loving watching our Seahawks play! I grew up with a dad who LOVES the Seattle sports teams, and until recently I never really followed them much. I caught the Seahawk's fever a few years ago, and it seems to be just in time because these have been their best seasons ever!  We are looking forward to watching their Second Superbowl appearance today!

This is our Seahawks baby bump :)

Lastly, we are soo ready for winter to be over and in case anyone was wondering,.. there are exactly 45 days till spring! Happy Sunday!

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