So-- I didn't take my first "baby bump picture until after I was at least 3 months pregnant because I really wasn't showing at all.. and who wants to see a picture of a regular old stomach? Not me! Well... to be honest I definitely do see the purpose of those first few months pictures. So that when you really do begin to show for real, you can believe it and you have a reference point. I continue to hear from people that I am not showing very much for how far along I am.. ("You just look like you ate a hamburger...!") and it is in those moments that I wish I had a picture from when I first found out I was pregnant so I could prove to these crazy people how wrong they are! I promise that THIS (pointing at my stomach) was never there before! After today I am swearing to myself that I will take more pictures of my bump and post them on here. At least so I can look back and remember how much I changed in these 9 1/2 months, and be proud of myself for surviving the constant growing and stretching!
Here are a few pictures that I have taken that show how I have changed from 3 months till now.. 6 1/2 months along! They are not perfect, but they'll do the job! My next pictures will be better... I PROMISE.
The next time you hear from me, we will know the sex of our baby... so stay tuned! We are SO excited!
People always tell me I don't look like I'm showing either, that I'm small for how far along I am. But everytime I go to the doctor I measure perfectly with how far along I am. I think people just think that when you are pregnant you just automatically grow a basketball then hold it for 9 months, haha.