Monday, February 3, 2014

Pregnancy Progress and Procrastination

There have always been, and I'm sure there always will be "those" pregnant women. The ones who take their picture in the same outfit every month so they can show exactly how much they changed during their pregnancy. The same women who read their entire "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book and know it by heart, take their prenatal vitamins religiously at the same time every day and are calling their doctor anytime they have a question. Well... I am here to tell you that I have never been one of those people! I am not organized, I forget and lose things all the time and I am a huge procrastinator! I am the classic "fly by the seat of your pants" kinda girl. Now while I am fully aware that that type of lifestyle isn't exactly ideal for being an adult and raising a child... I do have to say that I have turned out pretty okay living this way so far! My point in sharing all of this is to try to force myself to become a little more accountable in just a small way-- that's a good enough start right?

So-- I didn't take my first "baby bump picture until after I was at least 3 months pregnant because I really wasn't showing at all.. and who wants to see a picture of a regular old stomach? Not me! Well... to be honest I definitely do see the purpose of those first few months pictures. So that when you really do begin to show for real, you can believe it and you have a reference point. I continue to hear from people that I am not showing very much for how far along I am.. ("You just look like you ate a hamburger...!") and it is in those moments that I wish I had a picture from when I first found out I was pregnant so I could prove to these crazy people how wrong they are! I promise that THIS (pointing at my stomach) was never there before! After today I am swearing to myself that I will take more pictures of my bump and post them on here. At least so I can look back and remember how much I changed in these 9 1/2 months, and be proud of myself for surviving the constant growing and stretching! 

Here are a few pictures that I have taken that show how I have changed from 3 months till now.. 6 1/2 months along! They are not perfect, but they'll do the job! My next pictures will be better... I PROMISE.

The next time you hear from me, we will know the sex of our baby... so stay tuned! We are SO excited!

1 comment:

  1. People always tell me I don't look like I'm showing either, that I'm small for how far along I am. But everytime I go to the doctor I measure perfectly with how far along I am. I think people just think that when you are pregnant you just automatically grow a basketball then hold it for 9 months, haha.
